User Management
The User Management subcategory comprises commands for managing users on the server, including tools for automated moderation, role assignment, and reporting.
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Command | Description | Usage |
/ban | Ban a user from the server even if they are not currently a member | /ban [user] [delete_message_days] [reason] |
/case | Get information about a specific case | /case [user] [log_id] |
/clearwarns | Delete all warnings of a user | /clearwarns [user] |
/decancer | Removes zalgo characters from a user's name | /decancer [user] |
/delwarn | Deletes a warning from user record | /delwarn [user] [warning_id] |
/duration | Change the duration of a mute/ban | /duration [user] [duration] |
/emoji add | Add custom emoji to your server | /emoji add [emoji] [name] |
/emoji addmany | Add multiple custom emojis to the server | /emoji addmany [emojis] |
/emoji pack | Search and add emojis from | /emoji pack [search] |
/emoji list | List all the emojis currently available on your server | /emoji list [search] |
/kick | Kick a member from the server | /kick [user] [reason] |
/lock | Lock a channel to prevent messages from being sent | /lock [channel] [target] [duration] |
/massban | Ban multiple users from the server | /massban [users] [reason] [delete_message_days] |
/modlogs | Displays moderation logs for a user | /modlogs [user] |
/nickname | Change the nickname of a user | /nickname [user] [nickname] |
/note set | Set note for a specific user | /note set [user] [note] |
/note list | Displays a list of all notes | /note list |
/note clear | Clear all notes for a specific user | /note clear [user] |
/note get | Get all notes for a specific user | /note get [user] |
/note remove | Remove note(s) for a specific user | /note remove [user] [note_id] |
/note removeall | Remove all your notes | /note removeall |
/permission enable | Enable a message command for a channel | /permission enable [command] [channel] |
/permission disable | Disable a message command for a channel | /permission disable [command] [channel] |
/purge | Delete a specified number of messages from a channel | /purge [amount] [options] |
/reason | Change the reason of a moderation action | /reason [user] [log_id] [reason] |
/removetimeout | Remove timeout from a user | /removetimeout [user] |
/timeout | Timeout a user for a certain amount of time | /timeout [user] [duration] [reason] |
/say | Sends your message from anyone to anywhere | /say [text] [channel] [user] |
/slowmode | Set slowmode for a channel | /slowmode [time] [channel] [reason] [duration] |
/softban | Softban a user from the server | /softban [user] [delete_message_days] [reason] |
/sticker add | Add a custom sticker to the server | /sticker add [url] [name] [tags] [description] |
/tempban | Temporarily ban a user from the server | /tempban [user] [duration] [delete_message_days] [reason] |
/unban | Unban a member from the server | /unban [user] [reason] |
/unlock | Unlock a channel | /unlock [channel] [target] |
/voicemove | Move all users from a voice channel to another | /voicemove [from] [to] |
/warn | Warn a user | /warn [user] [reason] |
/warnings | Displays all the warnings of a user | /warnings [user] |
Role Administration
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Command | Description | Usage |
/buttonrole | Create a button that assigns a role to a user when clicked | /buttonrole [channel] [type] |
/selectrole | Create a dropdown menu that allows users to assign themselves a role | /selectrole [channel] [type] [require_role_type] [placeholder] |
/reactionrole add | Add a role to a message that can be assigned to users when reacted | /reactionrole add [message_id] [channel] |
/reactionrole remove | Remove a reaction role that was previously assigned through a reaction | /reactionrole remove [message_id] [emoji] [channel] |
/reactionrole removeall | Remove all reaction roles that were assigned through reactions | /reactionrole removeall [channel] [message_id] |
/temprole | Assign temporary role to a user | /temprole [user] [role] [duration] |
/role create | Create a new role | /role create [name] [color] [icon] [position] |
/role delete | Delete an existing role | /role delete [role] [reason] |
/role update | Assign or revoke a role from user | /role update [target] [role] |
/role info | Display information about a role | /role info [role] |
/role members | Display a list of members who have been assigned a specific role | /role members [role] [attachment] |
/role list | Display a list of all roles in the server | /role list [filter] |
/role removeall | Remove a role from all users | /role removeall [role] |
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Command | Description | Usage |
/automod | Enables automatic moderation features | /automod |
/banword add | Add word to ban | /banword add [word] |
/banword remove | Remove a banned word | /banword remove [word] |
/banword list | List all banned words | /banword list |
/banword clear | Clear all banned words | /banword clear |