Server Management
The Server Management subcategory includes commands for configuring and customizing server settings, tracking server activity through logs, and managing interactions with users through suggestions and tickets.
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Command | Description | Usage |
/welcome | Configure custom welcome messages for your server | /welcome |
/stickyroles | Configure sticky roles for your server | /stickyroles |
/mediaonly on | Enable media-only mode for a channel | /mediaonly on [channel] |
/mediaonly off | Disable media-only mode for a channel | /mediaonly off [channel] |
/mediaonly list | Displays a list of media-only channels | /mediaonly list |
/linkonly on | Enable link-only mode for a channel | /linkonly on [channel] |
/linkonly off | Disable link-only mode for a channel | /linkonly off [channel] |
/linkonly list | Displays a list of link-only channels | /linkonly list |
/prefix add | Add a new custom prefix for your server | /prefix add [prefix] |
/prefix remove | Remove a custom prefix from your server | /prefix remove [prefix] |
/prefix list | List all custom prefixes on your server | /prefix list |
/modrole set | Set the role required to use moderation commands | /modrole set [role] |
/modrole remove | Removes the current moderation role | /modrole remove |
/modrole view | Displays the current moderation role | /modrole view |
/starboard set | Sets the channel where starred messages will be posted | /starboard set [channel] [threshold] |
/starboard enable | Enable Starboard channel | /starboard enable |
/starboard disable | Disable Starboard channel | /starboard disable |
/starboard ignore | Add/Remove a specific channel from being monitored by the starboard | /starboard ignore [channel] |
/memechannel set | Set a channel for automatic posting of memes | /memechannel set [channel] [nsfw] [subreddit] |
/memechannel remove | Remove the meme channel from your server | /memechannel remove |
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Command | Description | Usage |
/log | Configure logging of various events of server | /log |
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Command | Description | Usage |
/suggest | Submit a suggestion for the server | /suggest [image] [anonymous] |
/suggestion accept | Accept a suggestion | /suggestion accept [suggestion id] |
/suggestion decline | Decline a suggestion | /suggestion decline [suggestion id] |
/suggestion config | Configure the suggestion system settings | /suggestion config |
/suggestion set | Set the suggestion channel for server | /suggestion set [channel] |
/suggestion info | Display the user associated with a particular suggestion | /suggestion info [suggestion id] |
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Command | Description | Usage |
/ticket setup | Sets up the support ticket system | /ticket setup [category-type] [channel] |
/ticket config | Configures the support ticket system | /ticket config |
/ticket add | Add a user or role to support ticket | /ticket add [target] [channel] |
/ticket remove | Remove a user or role from support ticket | /ticket remove [target] [channel] |
/ticket close | Closes an open support ticket | /ticket close [channel] [reason] |
/ticket rename | Renames an existing support ticket | /ticket rename [name] [channel] |
/ticket stats | Displays statistics for the support ticket system | /ticket stats |
/ticket leaderboard | Shows the top users with the most closed tickets | /ticket leaderboard |
Tags & Triggers
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Command | Description | Usage |
/tag create | Create new tag or edit existing ones | /tag create [name] [embed] [modonly] |
/tag delete | Remove a tag that is no longer needed | /tag delete [name] |
/tag list | View a complete list of existing tags | /tag list |
/tag info | Retrieve details about a specific tag | /tag info [name] |
/trigger create | Create new trigger or edit existing ones | /trigger create [name] [wildcard] |
/trigger delete | Remove a trigger that is no longer needed | /trigger delete [name] |
/trigger list | View a complete list of existing triggers | /trigger list |
/trigger info | Retrieve details about a specific trigger | /trigger info [name] |